Eric's Robeez came in the mail today! (robeez are special shoes for babies who are learning to walk, they are soft enough to promote healthy foot growth, but have good traction to make moving from a crawling position into a standing postion easy) :) Just look how well he can stand in them!
Eric's Robeez have a train engine on one shoe and the caboose on the other shoe! (a few days after the robeez came in the mail, Eric was taking his first steps!)
Look at the cute name train Gran Susan and Grandpa Steve found for Eric!
Susie came to meet Eric and brought him this beautiful blanket! Eric just loves all his teddy bears - even his shirt has a teddy on it!
This week Eric is blowing raspberries - oh what fun it is! He also has developed this swinging arm motion that can sweep everything off his high chair table (or any other flat surface) and right onto the floor in one easy motion. Even after everything is on the floor, he continues the arm swinging cuz it's just that cool!
Eric is pulling up on anything he can - once he is up, he makes his way from object to object (very clever!), he prefers to be standing at all times. Although when he is on his tummy he has almost crawled a few times, we are getting SO close!!! Plus he has figured out how to get into a sitting position from a tummy position - he is more mobile every time I turn around! (we have made sure to teach him how to get from a standing position back down to his bottom so he doesn't get stuck standing someplace where he doesn't want to be)
Eric is exploring his new teeth, biting on his spoon when I feed him, chewing his vegie puffs, and running his tongue along the new ridges in his mouth - having teeth is like having an adventure inside your mouth all day long!
Blowing raspberries!
This video shows his sitting down technique and his "almost ready to crawl" pose.
This video shows Eric's mobility, he is really great at moving around and it also shows how much he loves his Mookie Cat!!!
Daddy's favorite is Indiana Jones, so here is a tribute!
Eric wished for his two front teeth for xmas and his wish came true, lol!
Eric has started wringing his hands together, sort of like Mr. Burns from The Simpson's does. I think he is just exploring them, but its really cute when Scott's says, "Excellent!" while he does it, just like Mr. Burns.
This week I have started hearing Eric make a car noise - its low and gutteral. He doesn't make it while playing with his cars, he just makes it every once in a while, like he is practicing for later.
I put Eric to bed and he wasn't quite asleep yet; he rolled over to look at me as I stood at his crib side. He looked me in the eye and smiled as he reached his little hand through the slates to hold my hand - my heart just melted and tears of joy welled in my eyes. I just love my little pumpkin so very much!!!
We made art this week: talked about colors, the feel of the paintbrush on his little hand, how the paint was cold and kinda slimy, how he needed to open his hand and press it against the paper, etc.
Eric wrestles the bear he got from his Great Great Aunt Pinky & Great Great Uncle Ray
New Year's Resolution - get to the gym more often (it's a "Rocky" joke for Daddy - a movie about boxing)