On March 24, 2010, around 3pm I started having some pain. I called my midwife to ask her advice since the pain I was experiencing was nothing like when I went into labor with Eric. She told me to keep track of the pain by timing it and seeing if I could walk or talk thru the pain. By the time Scott got home from work at 5:30pm, I was pretty certain I was having contractions about 2.5 minutes apart. We packed up the car and went to the hospital.
Mom came to the hospital to get Eric, I got admitted, and got my IV of antibiotics. My OBGYN was not on-call so Dr. Tolley was assigned to me as my delivery doctor. He said Evie would probably arrive around midnight. I got my epidural from the same incompetant doctor as last time. It only worked on the left side of my body, so I was in a huge amount of pain during labor, the birth, and the stitching up afterwards. Evie was born at 11:56pm, so I was only in labor for about 9 hours (I was in labor for 13 hours with Eric). Evie weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 21 inches long. (Eric was 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and 20.5 inches long). Evie's APGAR scores were 6 and 9 (Eric's were 8 and 9) more about APGAR at http://kidshealth.org/parent/newborn/first_days/apgar.html
Evie's first score was a bit lower than Eric's because she came out stubborn about not wanting to breathe air (imagine that, a stubborn Bowden???) She didn't have the umbillical cord wrapped around her neck twice like Eric, she just didn't want to breathe. Labor & Delivery Nurse Colleen suctioned her lungs and she was fine.
We moved to the recovery room and were in the hospital from Wednesday until Saturday. It was a really long stay and we were so glad to finally be able to get home and see our Eric - we missed him SO much!!! (he did get to visit us in the hospital twice and meet his new sister)

This is right after I was admitted.

Here she is, just a few seconds old!

This is her birth announcement. The photo was taken on the 27th in my hospital bed.

Here she is with my OBGYN who visited the day after she was born.

Here she is with Mama.

Here she is with Dada.

Here she is with Gramma Linda.

Here she is with Grampa Bill.

Here she is with Gran.

Here she is with Papa.

Here she is with Grandpa Jim.

WOW! You got me a sister?!?! COOL!

Here is our first family photo!

Look at all the pretty gifts she and I got in the hospital!