Eric was telling himself a little story and when he got done he said, "The End." I said, "Hey, that was a great story Eric," and he looked up at me a bit surprised, not realizing I was watching and listening to him and said, "My pleasure!" LOL!!!
Eric is now asking for his fav tv shows not just by name but by what happens in the episode, good thing I watch his shows with him so I know which one he wants, lol!
For some reason Evie is really into ducks right now, lol! She says "duck" and makes a quacking sound, then laughs and jiggles her belly unpurpose as she laughs, sorta like she's been using Santa as a role model on learning how to laugh, it cracks me up!
I got my toes done for Evie's birthday party. I love having pedicures! I wish I had asked for nail art, gotta remember that for next time!
Hide-and-go-seek, under the blanket, while standing on the bed (say, what??)
My tiny girl never falls asleep on me anymore, what a treat!!! I remember when she was a just a little baby and she would sleep on Scott's chest. This, right here, is my Evie Angel. (and bonus points since we are unintentionally wearing matching outfits, lol!)
Eric, at school, during circle time with teachers Mrs. Melissa (brown hair) and Ms. Kelli (blonde hair). I'm so proud that Eric seems to be the only child participating in circle time, lol! In those children's defense, it IS 7am and rather early to be excited about singing or doing anything really, lol!
Mook loves his boxes, I guess Scott's dresser is sort of like a box, lol! Silly kitten!
Sound asleep, little chubby baby toes ♥♥♥
I wanted to have some professional-looking "Age Two" photos, so I found a darling dress, shoes, earrings, and hair band; as well as this budding orchard, and some pretty yellow flowers. Here's what came out of the camera...
I photo-shopped this image to give it an antique/vintage feel and used the Robert Frost quote which came to me while editing the photo.
(This was a really quick photo shoot, I only took 12 photos total, the orchard was super thick with sticky mud and I lost a shoe that I had to go back for after I got Evie cleaned up and buckled into her car seat. I'll never forget the look on the face of the guy who drove by, he must have thought I was absolutely insane, standing on the side of the road with my car sinking into the mud, while wearing only one shoe, lol!!!)
Eric's school had Open House Night and I was excited because it was right at the end of their studies on oceanography/marine biology/aquatic animals, so I was able to get a lot of pix of Eric in front of all the great projects he had been working on!
Mid polar bear growl!
Too many pix, he just wants to eat his cookie!!!
Evie had so much fun, she can't wait until she is old enuf to attend pre-school!
Not sure how this guy fits into the aquatic animals, but Eric really liked him. He is secretly pointing out the secret hiding place, lol!
Of course my little contrarian has to put the sticker anywhere but the paper, lol!
I think she colored more papers in an hour, than Eric colors in a month at school, lol! Her right hand got tired, so she switched to the back-up left hand, lol!
But he does really seem to like the markers a lot.
This box game was cool, one side was about colors and the other side was about letters, the perfect game for my kids to both use at the same time! I need one of these for at home, lol!
Jealousy washes over me... I can't wait until I am 54-and-a-half, cuz I'll be calling the moving truck and buying boxes and packing paper, lol! In the meantime, I will settle for when we visit the grandparents. :)
If its even remotely stack-able, it calls to her. She can find stack-able items anywhere in any store, they can't hide. And boy can this girl can stack! She doesn't care where she is, what must be done, MUST be done! (and if you couldn't tell, she enjoys her work, LOL!)