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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The injectables come via mail from the pharmacy. I was told to wait home from 12pm-5pm so that FedEx could deliver the package, as it needed to be refridgerated and they would not leave it on the doorstep. I waited home all day long and went to do some laundry for about 5 minutes and apparently that is when the FedEx guy came - I guess I didn't hear him over the sound of the washer filling up. So then I had to wait (according to the note he left) until after 5:15pm so I could go pick it up. The directions I had were all wrong, so after being lost in rush hour traffic for who knows how long, I called the 800 number and was put on hold and transfered and finally talked to a person who gave me directions. Once I arrived, I was told FedEx does not refridgerate anything ever, they don't have cold storage. Thankfully, the pharmacy packed the meds with an ice pack and i was able to get them home and into the fridge.

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