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Monday, August 27, 2007

Just hook it to my vein!

Yesterday they took blood to check my estrogen levels. They called later that day and said things are moving right along and they wanted to take more blood today. So I went in today and they did an intra-vaginal ultrasound too. My eggs are around 15mm (they need to be between 18-22mm before insemination) to me the ultrasound looked like about 6 of my eggs are developing this cycle, hopefully just one or two will be at the right size when they inseminate (I'm not quite sure what I would do with 6 babies!) Once my eggs are the right size, we have opted for IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) as opposed to IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) because it is much cheaper and a lot less invasive for me. I have another appointment on Wed and depending on the size of my eggs I might get the HCG shot and be inseminated before this coming Monday! I am really excited, say a prayer for us!


Corrin95 said...

What to do with six babies? Seems obvious to me, a baby sale is the BEST fundraiser, ever! (Just kidding....)

Heather Eves said...

wow, so are you still injecting? this is great news! i'm praying for you!!!

Jesica said...

Hi ...my friend Kellie told me about you....I was in your shoes for 2 years........I like the "hook it to my vein"....I had a nickname for my mostly used vein.. "Old Faithful"..lol

Just wanted to leave some advice...remember to always listen to your husband..if he thinks you need a break..take a break...do something else or investigate something else regarding getting pregnant...my husband started to feel like a "donor", instead of husband...yes, men do have feelings about sex! LOL!..We took a much needed break...we looked into foster/adopting..and whalla...I have my two girls...but this was after I felt that it was okay to do...

My sister is in the same boat as I was...but she is taking a different break....she is going to the Ukraine to artificially inseminated IVF there....it's about 10 thousand dollars cheaper....

I'll keep you in my prayers....God puts us on this journey and we don't know why we have to travel on the road that He chose for us until we get to our final destination....it definitely makes us appreciate the children we receive.

God Bless you and your husband.