I had a Dr appt on Tuesday and he said everything looks good. I officially gained one whole pound! Eric now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches from head to heel, about the size of an English hothouse cucumber. The nerve pathways in his ears are developing, which means his response to sounds is growing more consistent. I haven't noticed him responding to sound, but I have noticed his schedule of wake time vs. rest time. It goes in about hour or hour and a half increments. I will be sitting down to lunch and all of the sudden Ninja Boy is wiggling all over the place (he is most active on the right side of my abdomen)! :)
I've noticed it's getting harder and harder to see. Apparently this is a normal side effect of pregnancy. If I squint my eyes for any amount of time, I see spots when I stop squinting - I guess I better go find my glasses! The Dr said my blood pressure is fine, so the spots I'm seeing are not a sign of preeclampsia. YEA! My back seems a little achy lately, but that's pregnancy hormones too. They are loosening up my joints and ligaments for birth. Walking, standing, and sitting as well as bending, lifting, and laying down are all uncomfortable.
We got to hear some positive birth/labor stories at Child Birthing class this week, and that is always nice. If you have a positive experience to share, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or email me - I'd LOVE to hear it!
oh i love the pic you took! i've been waiting for a series of those... so i bet scott will be starting him on The Pogues soon... ugh...
I'm glad you like the pic, I will make a few more scrapbook pages and post those as well! :)
Ah yes, The Pogues, well I guess that's better than some of the stuff he listens to, lol!
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