On Oct 21, Eric rolled over from back to tummy all by himself! I was able to catch it on video (ah, the joys of being a stay-at-home Moma!) The video is below, cick the triangle to watch the video. The 23rd was the first time he ever slept on his tummy, I put him on his back as usual, but he rolled right over, I was so nervous - but of course, everything was fine. A pic is below.
We also switched from a pattern schedule to a straight schedule this week. This new schedule is based much on the old one (which was dictated by Eric) but it encorporates the 'eating then playing then sleeping' theory (popularized by BabyWise) which I prefer over the 'eating then sleeping then playing' method - who likes to go to bed on a full stomach anyway, especially if he is going to continue sleeping on his tummy!?!
And of course its almost that time and I have been dreaming of the little pea-in-a-pod costume since before he was born - too cute!!! A pic is below. Happy Halloween!
And one last picture - Someone gave us a cute little outfit with a boat on it, so I just had to find the nautical flags to spell ERIC!
Eric rolls over for the first time
Great video...don't you just love the little look he gives you...you can tell he's thinking his movement out when he glances over his shoulder the way he ultimately rolls. Yeay he's a thinker!
Thanks for the pictures!! Absolutely adorable he is!! so cute with lovely eys..
Where did you get those 'angel' pictures made or have you fixed them yourself? They are really sweet!
I'm on the 27th week and 13 more to go.. hoping time will go quickly. In England and Finland maternity leave is 12 months so I am also able to stay home. I'm not sure if I stay the whole year byt at least until October '09!
I'm at work and really busy but will keep you updated!! take care and send my love to all of your family!!
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