This week Eric got his first eye and ear infections. I think he got them when I went to the doctor's office to have some blood drawn. He is on antibiotics and eye drops. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be slowing him down, he is walking all over the place (he is getting really good at turning corners now too!) and exploring objects by shaking them, banging them, dropping them, and throwing them before falling back on the tried-and-true method of gumming them! I know one thing for sure, he does NOT like to have his nose wiped!
His 9 month doctor visit had another shot :( but he got a cool Snoppy-in-space band-aid! Eric is 18.14 pounds and 29 inches tall! The doctor says Eric's eyes are probably close to their final color, although we may see subtle changes later. Hooray for his beautiful blue eyes!!!

Eric with his pediatrician

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