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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eric is 10 months and 1 week old!

We have been trying to each Eric how to wave as well as how to do high five. He will now put his arm straight up in the air if we both put our arms up first, lol. I'm not sure if this is waving or high five, but it's definately progress!

His top left tooth broke through today!!! Hooray!

We had perfect park weather today! Just look at that sky!

A very rare pic of the kid who never sleeps actually sleeping! I take him for a stroller ride and 10 minutes into the walk, he's asleep - go figure!


Anonymous said...

Eric is such a sweet little young man.He is perfect, just like his Mom and Dad.

Dominique (landon's mommy) said...

That is to cute he's getting so big.