He is also facing his fears about the clapping Eeyore, the tickle me Elmo, and the singing crab toys he got for Christmas. He brings them to me and I explain how they work. He watches me turn the toy on and off. Then he watches me interact with the toy while he sits in my lap. Next he walks around the toy watching it very carefully. He brings the toy over to me and sits in my lap with the toy. He will now kiss the Eeyore and dance with the crab - Elmo is still a bit scary, but we are working on it. :)
The little dance thing he does with the crab toy is too cute, he bends his knees and then straightens them and bends and straightens - who taught him to dance like that?!? LOL!
This week he has really started to get the logistics down of climbing. He has tried to climb out of the bathtub, up the living room chair, and on my leg (as I am sitting on the floor) as a step up to the sofa! This climbing has also lent itself nicely to stepping up into the house from outside in the backyard. He holds onto the wall and steps right up! (April 19th) Stepping down was a different kind of challenge and took a bit longer to master, but he got it all figured out the very same day and can now go in and out the door like a pro!
Also this week he has really started to exert his wants. He will now do what I refer to as "temper tantrum feet" which is basically him stomping his feet when he can't have something he wants (where do they learn this stuff?) and becoming a "noodle" or complete dead weight when he is picked up and removed from the area.
This flurry of learning and activity led to him sleeping from 8:30pm to 6am on the 17th! This is the first time EVER that he has slept all the way through the night! Apparently it was a fluke because it hasn't happened again since.
This has been such a monumental week, I decided to do a mini scrapbook called "A Day in the Life of Eric" below are a few of the images that will be included in this scrapbook.
Morning Cheerios
The grill at school that he enjoys so much!
School is out, time to go home!
yeah, dada is home!
time for our after dinner walk
brush teeth and head for bead! (there are 5 whole teeth to brush in there now!)
What a cutie
Look at those blue eyes!!!!
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