We have been working very hard to learn how to be gentle. Petting the dog and cat softly (not hitting), touching Moma's hair gently (not pulling), touching Dada's eyes gently (not gauging), etc. This week, Eric has started using one finger to touch things when I tell him "nice." He will go over to Bailey and grab his face, so I say, "Eric, can you pet your dog nice?" and most of the time Eric will stop grabbing Bailey's face and touch him with one finger! Hooray for progress!
Eric has started pointing at everything. He is more curious than ever about his environment. He is very observant and now dances when he hears music and laughs at the appropriate times while watching TV.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Eric's favorite Disney character is Handy Manny the Handyman, here is his Handy Manny Cinco de Mayo shirt, it says "Sinko" de Mayo, lol!
I like that picture of him on vacation in Mexico. Were you guys with him, or did he email that back home?
I am so glad that you send me pictures and updates. I really enjoy them. Eric is a real cutie. Love ya,
Aunt Susan
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