His food texture issues seem to be growing, but we keep trying new foods everyday. Noodles of any kind are slimy, fresh strawberries are great but frozen ones that have been thawed are too mushy, and there are foods he ate yesterday that he won't even touch today - although I have discovered that if I put peanut butter on food he is more likely to eat it, lol! He has really taken an interest in most all beans: black beans, white beans, kidney beans, baked beans, etc, so that's good!
On Friday (the 24th) Eric let Dada put him to sleep for the night. This is the very first time I didn't put Eric to sleep. I have put him to sleep for every single nap time and bed time since the day he was born. I was so proud of my boys and just a little sad.
Hugs for Momma!
i love my dog AND his bed!!!
wait, you brought me a what? i don't know, man...
he really is cute
Thanks Anmarie!
Especially liked the cute card/photo of mommy receiving a hug from Eric.
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