Eric seems to be teething again. I think he is getting his eye teeth - poor little guy. Eric is using more and more consonant sounds, today he brought me his shoe and said a string of consonants I have never heard him use, he looked up at me after he said it and pushed the shoe toward my hands. I have no idea what he said, but he knew exactly what he was talking about! He is also very interested in new sounds, he will point to any noise he hears whether it is the neighbor's dog barking or a motorcycle driving down the street, he stops everything and points in the direction of the noise!
I went to the dr this week and got to hear the new baby's heartbeat - it was 165 beats per minute!
Several people have been asking for more pix of the family, so here is one from Labor Day that Pat just emailed to me, thanks Pat!
I'm 13 weeks pregnant now and have lost 17 pounds because I can't seem to keep any food down. The dr has given me three OTC solutions and if they don't work soon he is thinking he might want to write a prescription. I am very ready to stop feeling sick to my stomach 24 hours a day, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to take a prescription!
Scott put Eric to bed Wednesday night. This is the 2nd time in Eric's life I haven't put him to sleep. With the new baby coming, I know I have to let Eric get used to other people taking care of him (since he can't be in the labor and delivery room with us and can't spend the night in the hospital with us for the 3 days we have to be there) but it is so hard for me to 'let go' of my 1 year old!!!
Eric knows I'm not feeling well and he comes and hugs me randomly throughout the day, he is so sweet. I'm glad he is getting a playmate to share his life with because he truly is a smart, sweet, clever, wonderful person and I know he has a lot to share as a big brother.
Eric learns so many new things everyday. He and daddy have been practicing combing and brushing hair. Below is a video of him getting all spiffy, he has on his Ralph Lauren's Chaps outfit and is getting his hair all coifed! :)
This week Eric discovered he likes mandarine oranges and also bacon! Hooray for eating big boy food! His favorite food right now is banana slices with peanut butter on them.
This week he has started showing affection in a new way, he comes to me and rubs his lips all over my face, lol! I think he is trying to mimick the way I kiss him on his cheeks and forehead - its hilarious and a bit moist, lol!
National Grandparents Day was September 13! So I did a little old school pic with some sepia tone color-wash added in. :)
Grandparents day photo on a scrapbook page using a digital mini kit I created from scratch.
This week we have exciting news! Eric is going to be a big brother!!! Check out the new countdown ticker above!
These are the first pictures of his new sibling!
The new one is 11 weeks old!
The doctor says everything looks good! The EDD is March 26, 2010!
Eric is so excited about the new baby that he can't eat! Actually, he has no idea what's going on, he just likes to spread his food around like his Auntie!