These are the first pictures of his new sibling!
The new one is 11 weeks old!
The doctor says everything looks good! The EDD is March 26, 2010!
Eric is so excited about the new baby that he can't eat! Actually, he has no idea what's going on, he just likes to spread his food around like his Auntie!
O.....M......G!!!!!! Congrats on big news!! That is SO exciting!! I'm so happy for you and Scott! Good luck & hopefully this pregnancy goes MUCH smoother than your 1st one. I'm sending you no morning (afternoon & evening) sickness vibes. :o)
Take care!
Congratulations! I was wondering if that was why you were feeling so sick. I am so happy for you all. Hopefully this one will sleep much better for you. ;)
That is so exciting! Congratulations to all of you!!
Congratulations!!! That is great news!! how exciting!! Eric looks so adorable, you are so lucky to have a great boy like that!
will speak to you soon!
You are NOT going to believe this. I had a dream last night that you were pregnant. Can you believe it?
Congratulations. I am so happy for you and Scott and of course, Eric.
Take care
Much love,
I am so excited for you and Scott. hope I am around for a long time to watch both of your children grow up and become leading citizens of the country. It would be nice if they went to Auburn !!
I'm due the first week of December and we're moving in to our new 3-bedroom house this Friday! Woohoo for you & me both!!!!
* Katie *
Remember one is easy and two can be a lot of fun, but three is very hard work even for two. They are the perfect age difference. Glad I got my new phone so I could see this as you posted it. (Sent from my iPhone)
OMG, congrats on your pregnancy!
Fantastic News! Yippy!
Awesome Congrats, Eric will enjoy his sibling, and I am sue the rest of the family will as well, especially Grandma and grandpa eves!
Great news, take care
Rich and Dawn D'Amato
WOW! How exciting! Did you two just magically do this on your own! Wow, how amazing! I am so happy for you, but do hope this pregnancy is easier on you. Are you doing OK? Any problems so far. When is your due date??????
Love you and love the pictures of Eric!
Congratulations on the wonderful news. We are so excited and happy for you guys. We hope this pregnancy is lots easier on you.
You bring very much love and joy into our lives.
If there is any way we can help, please do not hesitate to ask.
We love you all very much.
Mom and dad
Evie! Evie! Evie! Here's to hoping! And I have NO idea what you're talking about in regards to the food re-organization skills he's developed... akhem!
happy happy happy!
Wow that Explains why you've been sick! That's Unexpected, but a Happy One I must say. Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and Scott!
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