We had a wonderful Christmas together!

We decorated the tree with projects from pre-school!

These are all the December crafts from school.

Evie had more fun with the wrapping than anything else, lol! She got dolls and stuffed animals and books, but the tissue paper the gifts came in was the best gift ever (until she decided to taste it).

Eric got so many nice things, but I think his favorite is the V-Tech Learning System (its like a video game).

And of course, anything to do with dinosaurs is always a big hit, lol!

Besides the banner in the photo before this one, I also put together a Dinosaur Field Guide kit for Eric and I to put together.

Eric also go this organization shelf, a race track rug, a farmhouse, puzzles, books, and his very own Sleep Number brand toddler-sized pillow.

Mook had a good Christmas too!

And so did Bailey!