What a cute look!

That look is the look Eric gives me when he is about to get into something he's not supposed to get into! And look who has it already at just 8 months old!!!

School party photo
School art featuring Evie's hands
School art featuring Eric's hands

School Holiday Party photo together

Eric is in Bailey's crate, lol!!!

Eric got an early Christmas present, a TV for his room! He is very excited (literally on the edge of his seat) and has T-Rex join him in watching a Baby Einstein Video.

Having a TV in your room is so awesome, Eric is sure to share it with his other dinosaur friends! I walked into his room and saw how he had carefully placed his apatosaurus upright in the chair and facing the TV, lol!!!

Scott ran a 26 mile marathon called The North Face Endurance Challenge on Dec 4, 2010. He did a great job in the rain and slippery mud! WOO HOO Scott, great job, we are so proud of you!!! ♥♥♥
So proud of Scott--where's that "admire" button when I need one?! Love that Evie has THE LOOK and that Eric shares the TV with his dino....Gran and Papa Steve
how funny that he was sure the dino was entertained in his absence...
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