This is my 9 month pregnancy pic. I'm so lucky to have a husband who is such an awesome photographer!!! (and who was able to find the most gorgeous varigated rose I have ever seen!)

Eric got a new toothbrush this week. I picked out a Diego & Dora toothbrush for 2 year olds. When I showed it to him last night, he said, "wow!" then hugged the toothbrush!!! I told him it was Diego and Dora and he tried to say "Diego and Dora" it was so cute! He then brushed his teeth all by himself! :) YEAH!!!

A lady at Scott's work gave us this desk for Eric, he is in love with it, lol! (Thank you, Lisa!) He is coloring with utter delight in this pic. I took some video footage too... (hopefully one day I will be able to take video footage that has sound but for now, this is what we get, sorry)
* I just found this online: http://www.our365.com/NewbornPortraits/HospitalResults.aspx?sid=2272 I don't know why no one told me about this when Eric was born, or maybe they didn't have it yet. But it looks like you can look up the date and they will show you pix of the babies born on that date! So if you are wondering if we have had Evie yet, go to the above website and try a few different dates and see if you can see her picture! :)
i saw the pix before i read anything and thought, oh boy, it finally happened, she's holding grammar class for that poor kid. i was so relieved when all he had was crayons... alas, i know the day is coming when he will look up and me and say, no auntie, its you and I, not you and me... mommy said!
I think Eric is going to be an expressionist artist from the looks on his face.
Keep up the good job Eric. Also it's great that you love your new tooth brush. It looks like an awesome brush! No wonder you like it. :)
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