Evie ate her first big girl food on July 25th! She had rice cereal mixed with breast milk and really seemed to enjoy it! Now my question is, how do I feed both kiddos at the same time?!?

I love it when dresses come with the matching kick pants/bloomers, its just so cute!

This dress has the kick pants too. The dress says, "Mommy's Sunshine"

I love the little topiaries on this outfit! It's hard to see, but there are 3 topiaries, the first one has just one hedge, the second has 2 and the third has 3, so under each topiary it says One, Two, Three. Really adorable!!!

Pink flowers everywhere and another cute hat!

Little blue flowers are cute too!

Everytime I put a blanket down for Evie, Eric has to run over and lay down on it, he needs to make sure he isn't missing out on anything! He lies down next to Evie and pets her hair and sometimes talks to her. She very much prefers this. :)

Look at the little tiny bite marks in his quesadilla, SO CUTE!!!

Eric has been showing a lot of interest in coloring lately, so we did a triptych of sorts. The first paper shows that yellow (on the left side) and red (on the right side) make orange (in the middle). I won't bore you by explaining them all, but Eric is standing there waving to me as I take the pic, he was super excited to have his artwork displayed so prominantly and just at his height!

How cute is this???

Dada turned the sprinklers on in the backyard and Eric had a blast running thru them, lol!

After the sprinklers it was time to get to work!

Dada was so happy Eric's hair is long enuf for the bathtub mohawk, lol! (you can click on this pic to see a bigger size)

The boy loves trains! (you can click on this pic to see a bigger size)
I love the Sunshine outfit. Evie has the most beautiful eyes and this really cute pic shows them off really well. I love the pic of Eric & Evie on the blanket - such a cute look on Eric's face. The collage with the trains is priceless. Eric is such a fantastic little guy.
she's obviously your kiddo, she looks amazing in green!!!
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