Everyone at school said this was the cutest dress! Thank you Gran and Papa!

Super cute blossoms everywhere!

It's hard to tell almost everything on this short and the shorts are embroidered - so pretty.

This is my new favorite dress, she wore it for picture day at school. When we got home we took this pic since picture day was a crying disaster area for both children.

This little mini skirt cracked me up! Scott walked in and saw her wearing it and tried to pull it down so it wouldn't be so short and pulled it right off of her, lol! He came in to bring her the little flower that is in her headband. :)

We are all about the cupcakes!!!

Is there anything that says 'little girl' more than pink gingham? Thank you Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bill!

Here is Evie at school in front of the big doll house!!!

Everybody loves the new toy! Thank you Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bill!

This is what Eric wore to picture day at school. We came home and took this picture since after his picture was taken at school he ran over to the photographer and grabbed her equipment and deleted his own photo. You'd never know that just 30 minutes before this photo he was screaming and crying and deleting professional photos, lol!

School is having some positive effects, today Eric sat at the kitchen table like a big boy to have his snack! :) Just look at those BLUE eyes!!!

Eric picked this outfit to wear to school, it seemed he knew he would be riding the tractor and that I would have my camera, lol! What a great photo!

Eric really likes the push toys too!
Eric is gorgeous in the navy shirt with his blue eyes and blonde hair. He is the most handsome little boy ever.
I agree Anmarie, Evie is so cute in the little pink dress with the pink and white blanket behind her. She looks like a beautiful little princess.
It looks like they are both enjoying school.
wow, that first pic of evie is really cute, she looks so happy. and i think the cupcakes are my fav.
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