Eric's artwork for this week - yummy!

I love that Eric eats bananas and granola bars like corn on the cob, lol, it just cracks me up!

Glasses are fun to wear so why not goggles?

Papa Steve and Eric say, "Cheers!" and clink their glasses before they drink! Super Cute!

"E" is for Eric!

It's very important to keep your dinosaurs properly groomed.

Eric is doing really well sitting in his big boy chair. It was hard to give up his high chair so sister could have it. Check out his cool Diego shirt complete with a train!!!

I found something Eric will eat on a regular basis... chocolate! I tried putting it on chicken nuggets, but it didn't work, he just licked the chocolate off and wouldn't eat any of the nugget :(

I found this dinosaur shirt in the bottom of one of his drawers, I had forgotten all about it!!!

Eric loves this 'Cera' (short for Triceratops)

Cera is hungry!

Then she needs a nap, so Eric waves and says goodbye.

But then he decides waving just isn't enough, lol!

Brothers are good teachers.

And brothers are good helpers.

They are also lots of fun!!!

Someone else likes dinosaurs too!

The look on her face seems to say, "I gotta get a picture of this, no one will ever believe it!"

Guess who made her top teeth?!?

Thanks to Lisa for the cute little lamb!

This is an outfit I picked out for Evie before she was born. She looks SO cute in it! I just love it!

Evie is pre-crawling. She makes a lot of the motions, but doesn't actually crawl yet.
Here is a video of the pre-crawling:
And here is her super cute wave:
Can not see the video, but the rest is so cute-they are adorable and so lovable
Grand Pa Jim
there are her pretty long lashes again! wow! teeth arent all she's good at making!
mmmm chocolate...
its good that he kisses his dinos and does thier hair. they need love too.
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