The butterfly and the caterpillar -- classic!

It's almost Easter - look at all the cute pink stuff!!!

WOO HOO Pancakes!!!

Shhhhh, don't tell: sometimes, I sneak baby food veggies and meat into whole wheat pancakes, once some organic syrup goes on top, Eric will eat 3 or 4 of them!!!

I have never been happier that someone wasn't allergic to something, lol! This boy LOVES peanut butter!!!

Evie's new big girl carseat is actually Eric's car seat, so he got a new one. It's a difficult adjustment because he now has to sit on the other side of the car (Evie's seat went out and the new seat when in its place) so after almost 3 years of sitting on one side of the car, he gets to try out the other side now.

While at the store, Eric took a shine to the red M&M, I thought it was a cute photo op cuz eric was all in red too, lol.

The boys (Dada, Eric & Bailey) go on a walk each night. On the walk this evening, Eric picked some flowers for me!
So cute!! I want to see more pictures of Evie's tutu. Can commenters make requests??
lol, sure Ashley! i will post some next week! :)
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