Mook turned 7 on May 18th! Party treats for the birthday boy!

Eric turned 3 on May 19th! On his birthday we opened presents and had cake!
Eric has been wanting this "Ele-fun" game for a while.

My OCD has rubbed off on him as you can see he has put all the red butterflies into the red net, the yellow butterflies into the yellow net, and the green butterflies into the green net, lol!

This wooden block set is really cool!

The aqua-doodle pen only colors on the aqua-doodle pad!

Pirates are also very cool right now, Eric will say he wants to play or watch the "Arrrg!"

Here they are in their matching outfits! This toy is really neat, its a little refridgerator and the pieces that fit into the fridge are all healthy foods and the fridge tells you the name of the food, the color, and what letter the food starts with.

This is a great montessori toy and Eric just loves it! take a look at the next picture to see what it can do...

There are a bunch of pictures missing shapes, and he does really well at getting the right shapes into each picture.

Scott was so excited to get this for Eric! It's a top that spins along a wire handle.

Scott also got Eric a little birthday cake!

Eric really liked the cake!

On Sat, we had Eric's party at McBean Park. The theme was Pocoyo!

The Pocoyo balloons were a big hit!

Eric didn't have to blow out his candle because it was so windy, but it did get lit thanks to Grandpa Bill and his blow torch.

Water squirties!

It was warm, so here is Grandpa and Evie relaxing in the shade and having a little something to whet their whistle, lol!

Cheese stick anyone?

Look at that smile!

Eric and Dada playing with the water squirties.
Looks like Eric got a lot of really nice birthday presents and is enjoying them all. He is so good at sharing his presents with Evie. The picture of Grandpa Jim and Evie is priceless-love it! So glad you got it on camera. I love the matching out fits. The tie is so cute along with the matching dress. Looks like Mookie had a good birthday treat too!
yay MOOKIE! :D
oh dear, you better break him of the OCD ASAP!
wow i want scott to buy MY next cake! that looks YUM!!!
yup, the pic of evie an jim is awesome.
and water squirties ARE fun! i was just playing with one the other day and they are still pretty cool! :)
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