Evie walked over to me, lifted up my shirt and said, "tickle, tickle" and started tickling me!

Happy Father's Day!

Gramma Linda always has awesome new toys to play with!

And she cuts sandwiches into dinosaurs!

Evie doesn't care what her sandwich is cut into, lol!

I just love the look on Evie's face, lol!

Eric seems to be able to catch the beach ball without any trouble!

I'll show you how it works, Grandpa Jim!

A Dad at Eric's preschool is letting us borrow his daughter's bike since she has outgrown it. It's just like the bike he played with in the park and loved, except this one is red.

He is peeking thru the structure in the middle picture, lol!

Box O Kid, lol!

This is the tree we planted when Evie was born, now she's one and the tree is blooming!

The pic was so meaningful and cute that I made a scrapbook page.

How cute is she? I love this dress too!

They were playing hide and seek in the closet with each other, it was hilarious!

Evie's very first ponytail!

Hey, that's mine!!!

Someone's getting sleepy!

This is outfit is so cute, but its getting too small :(
What a great day this was , so much fun. Time is flying by right in front of us !
Man oh man! Great new fotos! Those kids just keep getting cuter and cuter!
Evie's face in the water tub is priceless!!!
I like the idea of planting the tree when she was born! I didn't know you did that!
I think we need to wait just a *bit* longer for the ponytail...!
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