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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, August 27, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 6 months and 1 week old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 62

Evie just told me she had to pee, her diaper is dry, she peed on the toilet!!! She's potty training herself! Its every mother's dream come true, except that she is insistent on going every 15 minutes, lol!

Evie and I are going over colors, I asked her a bunch of them and when we got to pink she said, "I LOVE pink" LOL!

Eric had homework this week at school! The homework was a project to be completed on posterboard! I was so excited we went straight from school to the store to buy supplies! The project was supposed to tell all about Eric. We came home and took photos.

Eric helped pick out other photos and what we didn't have photos of we took immediately. I had recently found a dinosaur scrapbooking kit I wanted to buy, but wasn't sure what to use it for yet. This was my big chance! I purchased it along with some coordinating elements and Eric and I had a blast putting everything together!

Here is the final project, he was really happy with the outcome and that everything incorporated dinosaurs. I was happy because we had so much fun working on it together! ♥

She knows I don't like this, that's why she making the frowny face, lol. Its like a balance beam now, she has turned the bins end to end and lines them up next to the wall, then she walks across them without falling off. I think it might almost be time to sign her up for gymnastics!

And who can resist those darling pseudo-pigtails?!

Scott and I bought some legos for Eric, he ADORES them!

He immediately builds pteranodons.

Later he says he loves his Lightening McQueen but is sad he doesn't have Mater, so Daddy builds Mater out of the legos! Complete with hinged tow-hitch that moves and works! AMAZING!!!

Eric is very pleased to have Mater to play with along side his Lightening McQueen!

Little Miss wants to get in on the action too!

Daddy is really good at building with legos, here are some of his other creations.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 5 months and 4 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 41

Aug 14: Eric had a bad dream. apparently there was a big scary monster. He asked me to lay in bed with him, so I laid in bed with him for a while, we put on a fun dino movie and after a little while he told me to go sleep in my own bed, lol.

Aug 15: Scott says to Evie, “put your feet on the floor” using a very stern tone. Eric says, “Daddy! Be nice to your sister!!!” Scott says, “I don’t have a sister.” Eric says, “um, Daddy, remember? Evie?” LOL!

Aug 20: Fav quote of the day from Eric (this one was quite alarming and caused me to rush into Evie’s room as well), “Daddy, come quick, I’m making soup in Evie’s room!”

How cute is this?!? LOL!

They are both saying "Ahrrrr!" and Eric is holding a treasure map I made.

I just thought this was so cute. She is in her room laying on a big blanket watching her TV.

Eric and Daddy make robots!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the members of our band, Eric on percussion, and Evelyn on the bass!

This is so clever and fun until you realize all those bins were full of toys 2 minutes ago, and each bin was organized by the toys inside, and each bin was then placed in a storage unit in Evie's room. And that when they walk on the bins (which are just plastic), they are crushing the bottom of the bins and cracking them. sigh.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 5 months and 3 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 76

♬ ♪ Old MacDonald had a farm... ♩ ♫

Eric is playing “Mystery” he has his ‘pith’ helmet on and his magnifying glass and he says he is following muddy footprints! I used my new kit "Crime Scene" to make this layout. Click the image for a larger view to read the journaling.

A special treat: Cousins!!!

Adrian went up to the third level of the play place. A bunch of the little kids started playing with him and I'm not exactly sure what happened but they ended up either tickling or attacking him or something, so...

I sent Eric up there to rescue Adrian and he did a pretty good job getting those other kids off of Adrien long enuf for Adrien to make to back to the ground floor!

Family Photo!

August 6: Today was one of those days that helps you appreciate the good days. Both Evie and Eric were up several times in the night, so none of us got much sleep. Evie’s diaper leaked in the middle of the night too, so there was washing of sheets and blanks and much sadness. Then, Evie fell and hurt her arm. Next, Eric threw up. Then, Evie had an ‘accident’ in the bathtub and I don't mean #1. Next, Eric fell off his bike and cut his lip open. I haven’t been this happy to have a day come to an end in a long time, let’s go to bed as early as possible and start again tomorrow!!!

Evie has become proficient using a computer mouse. I tried to show her, and before I could get the words out she was already clicking on the item she wanted!

I saw a tutorial on line for an easy dress to sew, so I thought I'd give it a try...

Eric: Momma, I hear something!
Me: What do you hear?
Eric: I hear a ROBOT!!!
Me: That's just my sewing machine, I'm making Evie a dress.
LOL! How cute is he?

Here's the dress! I made a little flower headband too.

The kids saw Mickey Mouse on TV for the first time and really enjoyed the show, so I made them Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast. ºOº

Evie LOVES her kitty cat Mook! Mook is indifferent, lol!

She definitely gets her building skills from her Daddy (have you seen his lego creations?)

We went to a children's fair and they had all kinds of fun stuff like this.

They are talking about opening a children's museum in Yuba City in 2013. I hope they do!

Eric got new sunglasses at the children's fair!

So cute!

Eric and I practice pre-reading skills, such as making sentences with these mini flash cards I made.

Every month I make a card and send photos to my Granny Marge, she would always right back, but has recently stopped due to her increasing dementia. It's sad to think that she doesn't know who I am anymore, but I still write to her and send pix because who doesn't like to get something in the mail, even if you're not sure who its from or who the people in the pix are, you do know someone loves you enuf to write. :)

The first thing Eric chooses to play with at school is legos! It might be time to get some for home.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 5 months and 2 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 217

July 18: Eric officially became afraid of the dark last night. He woke up in the middle of the night, went into the livingroom, turned on the light and fell asleep on the couch. Tonight, he is telling me it is too dark in his room.

We also have brussel sprouts, tomatillos, corn on the cob, broccoli, potatoes, basil, peppers, oregano, rosemary, chives, garlic, green peas, and artichokes!

It's tea time!

This is me in 1977 and next to me is Evie in 2012, 35 years apart, but the same dress! How cute is that?!?

Here are some more pix of Evie in dresses that were mine when I was a baby! (Thanks Mom for the dresses and matching kick-pants!!!)

Helping Grampa put in an new switch.

She has very carefully lined up all the cars on the edge of the shelf.

For Scott's birthday, I organized a 50k trail run at Lake Oroville, invited a bunch of people, got an aid station all stocked up with gatorade and chips and GU, and even had t-shirts made (photo of that below). This photo is us at the site the day before the run so we could mark the trails so none of the runners got lost. Just down the path from where this photo was taken there was a huge blackberry bush full of big ripe fruit, we all tried some (ok, Eric didn't try anything) - yummy!

While Daddy marked the trails, we found a lot of fun things to do!
(R.I.P. Andy Giffith, July 3, 2012)

She is in geology heaven!!!

Eric watches the train go by! Very cool and very loud!

Here is one spot where Scott marked the trail for his runners. (he used flour, its environmentally conscious)

Here is my aid station on the day of the big run!

Here is Scott with Derek. Even tho I invited 2968 people and 22 of them said they'd be there for sure, only Derek (who did not RSVP) showed up (i even bought a shirt for one lady to convince her to show up and she said she'd be there for sure, but guess what?) But we were really glad to see Derek and thankful that at least one person made it! (it wouldn't have been the best birthday present if no one at all showed up!)

There they go, running the Dan Beebe Trail.

Here's the trail marker, looks like somebody knocked it down with their car, so I propped it up for all to see.

This is me in front of the dam.

Scott is modeling one of my shirt designs, you can see the other HERE. Look at how muddy and dusty his shoes are!!! As Evie would say, "Ew, gross!"