July 18: Eric officially became afraid of the dark last night. He woke up in the middle of the night, went into the livingroom, turned on the light and fell asleep on the couch. Tonight, he is telling me it is too dark in his room.
We also have brussel sprouts, tomatillos, corn on the cob, broccoli, potatoes, basil, peppers, oregano, rosemary, chives, garlic, green peas, and artichokes!
It's tea time!
This is me in 1977 and next to me is Evie in 2012, 35 years apart, but the same dress! How cute is that?!?
Here are some more pix of Evie in dresses that were mine when I was a baby! (Thanks Mom for the dresses and matching kick-pants!!!)
Helping Grampa put in an new switch.
She has very carefully lined up all the cars on the edge of the shelf.
For Scott's birthday, I organized a 50k trail run at Lake Oroville, invited a bunch of people, got an aid station all stocked up with gatorade and chips and GU, and even had t-shirts made (photo of that below). This photo is us at the site the day before the run so we could mark the trails so none of the runners got lost. Just down the path from where this photo was taken there was a huge blackberry bush full of big ripe fruit, we all tried some (ok, Eric didn't try anything) - yummy!
While Daddy marked the trails, we found a lot of fun things to do!
(R.I.P. Andy Giffith, July 3, 2012)
She is in geology heaven!!!
Eric watches the train go by! Very cool and very loud!
Here is one spot where Scott marked the trail for his runners. (he used flour, its environmentally conscious)
Here is my aid station on the day of the big run!
Here is Scott with Derek. Even tho I invited 2968 people and 22 of them said they'd be there for sure, only Derek (who did not RSVP) showed up (i even bought a shirt for one lady to convince her to show up and she said she'd be there for sure, but guess what?) But we were really glad to see Derek and thankful that at least one person made it! (it wouldn't have been the best birthday present if no one at all showed up!)
There they go, running the Dan Beebe Trail.
Here's the trail marker, looks like somebody knocked it down with their car, so I propped it up for all to see.
This is me in front of the dam.
Scott is modeling one of my shirt designs, you can see the other HERE. Look at how muddy and dusty his shoes are!!! As Evie would say, "Ew, gross!"
1 comment:
Eric is a good electrician's helper. He learned not to touch the electric wires
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