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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, October 29, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 8 months and 1 week old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 135

Oct 26: Scott introduced Eric to transformers! Eric made THE transformers changing/transforming sound after watching 1 episode of transformers on TV. Scott was so proud, lol! I see many transformers in our future, lol!

Scott got new running shoes!

Baby Aurora is sleeping in Evie's toddler bed with Evie's pillow and little fée.

Grampa Bill also likes trains and admire Eric's new Percy!

Evie says Grampa Bill is hilarious!

Eric thinks so too!

Daddy is teaching Eric to play the piano.

Little Miss has every blanket in the house! Including the comforter from Eric's bed!

This re-usable sticker pad comes with 5 scenes and over 150 stickers, the kids love it!

Gramma Linda and Grampa Bill brought cupcakes with Halloween rings on top of the frosting! Decorations you can wear after you eat? What a marvelous idea!

Thank you for all the fun mail! The kids LOVE getting mail!

Eric's school had a Halloween celebration - you know what that means? More cupcakes! LOL!

Evie got invited to the party too!

Here is Eric with Jacob.

Here is Eric with Abigail.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 7 months and 5 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 150

Oct 19: Evie is drumming a tune for Mook and screaming “GO TO SLEEP! GO TO SLEEP!” Mook decides he will go to sleep, but in another part of the house, lol!

Oct 22: We had our first rain of the season today. I’m feeling a bit melancholy as I realize dinos seem to be on their way out for Eric, his new adventures are about trains and cars which are also good, but after almost 3 years of dinos (and all the dino paraphernalia we have) it sorta feels like a good friend who doesn’t come to visit anymore, and I realize it also means my baby is growing up…

Time to visit the pumpkin patch!

No visit would be complete without baby goats, how cute are they?!? We got to go inside the petting pen and feed them and brush them too!

This was the kids' first time riding horses and Evie is in LOVE! Her horse was named Princess -- how fitting. I see riding in her future!

Eric really enjoyed riding too, his horse was named Franklin.

He rolled this pumpkin over, it must weigh at least 4 times as much as he does!

And not to be out-done... lol! But as you can see mid-way thru rolling a lady bug landed on her pumpkin!

Finally, the train ride! Once all around the entire farm and we get to see all the crops, scarecrow contest, animals, play structures, and they even got a new rail-road crossing this year!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 7 months and 4 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 22

Today it was windy and cold, this is the first time I’ve had to put the kids in jackets this year!

The kids are playing "Max & Ruby" hide-and-go-seek. Max & Ruby is a tv show about a bunny sister and brother (see image above). In our case, Eric counts to 10, then says, “Ready or not here I come!” Then he walks around saying, "Ruby? Ruby where are you? Ruby!!!" Once he finds Evie he says, “Found you Ruby!” Then she counts, "1, 2, 3, 2, 1!" Then she walks around the house saying, "Ohhhh Maaaaax? Max? Where you go to Max? Max?" Then Eric says, “You found me Ruby! Now its your turn to hide!”

The game that is out and all set up is horseshoes... however I'm pretty sure this isn't how you play the game, lol!

Cuddles with Dada.

Eric is going to be Iron Man for Halloween! Evie is going to be a flapper, I'm working on her head piece now.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 7 months and 3 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 86

Evie and I have been working in the garden. She picked all the tomatillos, and I made them into sauce for green enchiladas! Yummy!

Evie is diligently lining up all of our billions of dinos, lol, notice that they are all facing the camera.

Halloween socks from Grandpa Jim and Pam!

Eric has been wanting Percy for ages. I bought it for him 'just because' and he was THRILLED!

All trains need a good tunnel!

It's a sleep-over in the middle of the day on the living room floor, lol!

On Oct 6 Scott ran the Rio Del Lago 100 mile race! What an unbelievable 30 hours!

He did it under the cut-off time and got this amazing belt buckle which I had engraved on the back with the date and his time.

Legos are fun for everyone!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Evie is 2 years, 7 months and 2 weeks old; Eric is 4 years old!

Photos taken this week: 74

For the passed two weeks or so, Eric’s new thing is telling knock-knock jokes at the dinner table. Some of them include:
Knock knock, who’s there? Crane. Crane who? Crain-berry juice!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!
Knock knock, who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Orange ya glad I didn’t say banana? AHAHAHA!
He calls it a 'knee-slapper' then makes his hand into a fist as he beats the side of his leg (sort of near his knee), laughing uncontrollably.
Well, tonight, Evie decides she needs in on all this attention and laughter, so before Eric starts the next joke, Evie says, “Naht, naht?” then she pauses, so I say, “who’s there?” and she says something in baby talk that has the same intonation as the punch line of the end of the knock-knock joke, then she looks at all of us and waits, so we all start laughing and she starts laughing and it is honestly the most hilarious thing ever! She then tells Eric it is his turn, so he tells one, then she tells Dada its his turn, then I get a turn, then its her turn again. I am laughing so hard, I’m starting to tear up!

The kids were playing on the bathroom scale, turns out Eric is 40.5 lbs and Evie is 34.0 lbs!

Evie is now tall enuf to turn the lights on :)

Backyard antics with the dog, lol!

Check out this amazing bridge! Talk about a long way down -- yikes!!! As you can see, we don't own (the blue) Thomas the Tank Engine, but Eric needed one so badly that I built one out of cardboard and paper. Thank goodness for the internet and my printer!

I had to take a picture of her hair wet so you can see how long it really is when it isn't curly. I ADORE those curls, but even I didn't realize how long her hair had gotten!

I'm not sure what is going on here, the blanket seems to be an arm chair cover and the chair cushion seems to be a blanket. As Grampa Bill always says, "I'd love to be able to listen in on their thoughts, just for a few minutes." lol!

Mr. 'Sleeps with Cars (and other various random toys as well as a toothbrush)' LOL!

We went to Eric's open house night at preschool and Evie was so excited to go to school! She is always sad she can't go in the mornings when Daddy and Eric leave. Sometimes she cries. Tonight she was so happy she wanted to wear two hair clips!

Eric had fun showing her all around.

And Scott and I enjoyed seeing all his projects that he'd been working on.

One of the projects included building this spaceship, how fun!

Evie really likes school, she can't wait until next year when she gets to go all the time. Just look at how diligent she is working!

Scott is excited to sign Eric up for baseball next year, so they practice in the backyard. Eric does really well and seems to want to hit left handed!

Papa Steve to the rescue with a real Thomas the Tank Engine! We can finally throw the fake cardboard one I made in the garbage!!!

Evie gets presents too! Thank you!!!

Papa Steve also brought some extra track, now the trains have lots of places to go!

Evie and Gran play with dolls.

Everyone plays together.

Eric's trains venture onto the sofa.

Papa Steve explains how important it is that the trains be on time.

Evie decides Eric has hogged Papa Steve long enough and she takes over, lol!

Papa Steve is so much fun!

Park time! It is so amazing having a park so close to the house. The kids love going to the park, and we can (and do) go often!

Eric took this photo of me at the park (we might have a photographer on our hands!) And yes, I made the basket! Woot!