Oct 19: Evie is drumming a tune for Mook and screaming “GO TO SLEEP! GO TO SLEEP!” Mook decides he will go to sleep, but in another part of the house, lol!
Oct 22: We had our first rain of the season today. I’m feeling a bit melancholy as I realize dinos seem to be on their way out for Eric, his new adventures are about trains and cars which are also good, but after almost 3 years of dinos (and all the dino paraphernalia we have) it sorta feels like a good friend who doesn’t come to visit anymore, and I realize it also means my baby is growing up…
Time to visit the pumpkin patch!
No visit would be complete without baby goats, how cute are they?!? We got to go inside the petting pen and feed them and brush them too!
This was the kids' first time riding horses and Evie is in LOVE! Her horse was named Princess -- how fitting. I see riding in her future!
Eric really enjoyed riding too, his horse was named Franklin.
He rolled this pumpkin over, it must weigh at least 4 times as much as he does!
And not to be out-done... lol! But as you can see mid-way thru rolling a lady bug landed on her pumpkin!
Finally, the train ride! Once all around the entire farm and we get to see all the crops, scarecrow contest, animals, play structures, and they even got a new rail-road crossing this year!
Absolutely wonderful. Thank you. Grnandpa Bill
This was a fun day -gets better every day with the kids.
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