Nov 8: Last week Eric looked out into the backyard and then up towards the sky and said, “It’s going to rain.” About 10 minutes later it was raining. Today, Evie and I were getting into the car to go pick up Eric from school and she looked up at the clouds in the sky an said, “It’s wet Moma, its really wet.” About 10 minutes later it was pouring down rain. I see much meteorology in our future, lol!
Mom with Mook
If Evie were a doll, she'd be the cutest one in the toy store, and only cost $24.99 apparently, lol!
Evie says, "i love fée!!!" She looks like Little Fée Riding Hood to me!
She LOVES to take baths! She'd take 100 a day if she could!
Steve on drums and Bill on harmonica as guests of band Lincoln Highway performing at the Santa Paws Benefit Concert at the Auburn Autohaus on November 10 for the Auburn Area Animal Rescue Foundation (AAARF).
The kids had a blast watching their grandpas make music!
You can enjoy the music too on Bill's YouTube Channel HERE!
Not only did the kids have fun watching the music, but there was a rock climbing wall, a bouncy house, vendors, and animals to pet!
The next big adventure was a boys outing to Rail Fair!
They even had trains Eric was allowed to touch!
There are so many amazing things at Rail Fair! Papa Steve knows all about them, and he knows most everyone at Rail Fair, he used to be a train dispatcher! The vendors call Papa Steve "Breezy" and they give Eric lots of free train toys!
There's even a giant train for riding, Eric can't resist!!!
Thank you for all the beautiful pictures and the stories behind them. This is a wonderful family album and will be cherished forever.
Love you all
Great stuff Anmarie! UR the best!
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