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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 8: 2013

Photos taken: 46

Feb 19: On the way to school Eric and Scott talk:
Dad, you see those clouds over there? That means it’s going to rain.
Yeah, probably while you’re at school. It should be done when I pick you up at noon.
Good, rain makes the world sad
Why does it make the world sad?
… Nevermind, I just don’t understand it.
Well, that’s my job to help you understand.
…I thought you’re job was to go to work?

Evie calls granola bars: odi-ba (she ate 9 of these today, she must be growing)

Mook is watching the hail stones fall. It's like Mother Nature is playing ball with him and he loves it! (there is a picture to go with this)

Eric says, "MOM! I do NOT want to hear that noise in my room!"
I say, "What noise? The hail?"
Eric says, "YES!!!"
I say, "I'm sorry hunny, I'm not in charge of the weather."
Eric says, "humphf!" and stomps off

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