Evie has finally figured out how to taste those tootsie snacks!

Eric is really into coloring this week, he has created 10 masterpieces in just 3 days!

Here are his masterpieces

Eric is so cute, anytime we drive somewhere in the car, he says goodbye to Mook and Bailey and waves at the house!

Dada is very proud that Eric is interested in hockey!!!

My little Strawberry Shortcake!

Look at that cute little pony with all the glitter - what little girl doesn't want a pony?

The embroidered clothes line is just darling! I almost bought a very similar wall hanging recently!

It's hard to see the little bunny, underneath it says, "'B' is for baby bunny"

This outfit is just darling, look at all the bows and embroidery and pink and lace and and and!!!

I adore this little wrap dress. The heart kick pants just 'make' the outfit!

This onesie was so funny to me, I couldn't resist playing it up a little (ok, a lot, lol!) The only things she is actually wearing are the hat and pink outfit. Everything else I added digitally - the make-up, jewelry, accessories, etc.

I've been meaning to have a family photo taken, but I've sorta been putting it off because I knew it was going to be a rather adventurous undertaking. Boy was that the understatment of the year!!!

You can click on this one for a bigger sized view.
cute jeans!
awe these pix are so cute
scott looks super tan
in the pic that eric is waving bye, he looks sooo much like dad to me. its the first thought that came into my mind when i saw it!
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