Eric started pre-school on the 20th! Also this week he has started saying "uh-oh," he knows the sound of the toaster and wants whatever comes out of the toaster (not that he will eat it, but he wants it just in case it might be something delicious, lol!), and he has also started sleeping with his blanket on top of his face, I remember doing this when I was little - what a strange phase!

"Are you looking at my ruffles?"

Pink with frogs? I don't get it... but she makes it work!

Pretty in pink, wearing the new shoes from Gran & Papa - Thank you!!!

The neighbor gave this to us, Evie is almost big enuf to use it, her feet don't quite touch the ground yet. (It's hard to see, but this outfit has little castles and princesses on it!)

Look at that grip!

It looks like she is ready for a big hug!

Evie is on the prayer shawl Gran knitted when I was pregnant with Eric.

Love that pink and brown - it looks good with other colors too (i guess.. lol!) Her hand is covering it up, but her outfit says, "I Love Hugs!"

Sleeping on your tummy is the bee's knees!

Here's a great headshot of my handsome little man!

Eric's favorite part of going to play at the park is drinking from the drinking fountain, lol! (the fountain of deliciously warm tap water - ew!)
Eric was so excited to go to school. As you know, he LOVES to color, and this toy lets him color and erase and color and erase; and the best part is, the pen that goes to this toy doesn't make marks on anything but the pad - so, no cleaning pen off the table!!! :)
It is absolutly ridiculous how excited I am that Eric gets his very own cubby!!!
So many new trucks, so little time, lol!
you always did have a weird obsession with cubbies... hmmm!
They are sooo cute, can't wait to see them and hold them !!!
Evie is absolutely adorable. Has good taste (no pun intended) as well. Minnie is delicious. Love those eyelashes. She'll be a man killer when she gets older.
You and Scott have georgeous kids Anmarie!!! Does Evie have blue eyes too? I remember when we used to sign our letters to each other as Evie and Ellie!! wow!
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