Eric is getting ready for Halloween, I think he is going to really enjoy it this year!

Eric the Warlock

I guess he won't be wearing the chicken costume for halloween! He loves chickens so much but apparently he isn't too fond of being one.

How cute is this?

This is what Eric is wearing to school for the halloween party! Mr. Incredible says, "It's Showtime!"

A few of Eric's festive coloring pages.

Evie is a banana split!

A skeleton with heart (and hair!)

A not-so-happy Tinkerbelle (this costume made glitter EVERYWHERE!)

The cutest bunny on the face of the earth!!!
The costumes are so cute. It'll be tough to make a choice, I'm sure. Maybe you can bring a change or two with you and trick-or-treat twice at the house with the best candy (like that cute ad on TV...) Do you and Scott have a favorite?
Finished with my jury duty. Back to a "normal life" again.
wow, wonder why he was so again the chicken lil get up?
oh a bunny! i thought it was a lil lamb.
i meant against not again...
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