We took this on October 10, 2010 at 10:10am!

Happy Columbus Day!

pretty purple jammies with flowers and check out those blondy hairs!

Making more teeth...

I'm so flexible!

Pretty in pink with my ellie! This is a great shot of the teeth too!

"OM!" My yoga move!

I have good 'taste' in shawls, lol!

Brother helps me smile big for my pic!

Eric teaches me lots of new stuff everyday!

Look at how cute I am...

My train matches my shirt!

Hey, Eric, what does a train say and do?

ROAR!!! Eric is really into dinosaurs suddenly so he stomps around the house growling!

Step 1, paint the bowl...

Step 2, hand it over to Mama until it resembles a halloween toy - yeah!
So cute....
Looks like Eric will be ready for a Thomas/dinosaur Christmas....!
With that solved, I guess we better start thinking about what to do for Sis :-) Perhaps a teething ring :-0
See you at Bishop's....
Go Yoga! She's a lil tooth factory!
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