Eric woke up having a bad dream, this was the first time he was able to really articulate was his bad dream was about: “Mommy wouldn’t give me cake,” he said sadly. Ah, the trials and tribulations of a 4 year old, lol.
Scott and I both woke up having bad dreams about groceries, how random and weird is that? He dreamt that the grocery clerk broke his beer bottles and sold him melted ice cream with the wrong flavor inside. My dream was that I took 5 bags of groceries to a co-op sharing event and came home with only half a bag full of strange things we would never eat like unripe almonds still in their fleshy husks and small fuzzy carrots. Then I was mad that I only brought canvas bags because there were open items I would have been allowed to have a portion of like vanilla extract but had no way to carry it home!
SO CUTE!!! Too bad its all held up with 1000 clips and none of the back hairs reach into the pigtails, lol!
Off to the park!
We have arrived at the park!
They went down the slide together - so cute!
There they go!
Whatever Eric does...
Evie says she can do better, lol!
Swinging with a friend is fun, lol!
Evie frowns at this 'baby' slide, so...
She goes down the big kid slide all by herself! Just look at that smile!!!
The park wore them out! I love this shirt, lol! I see at least 5 dinos sleeping with Eric, do you?
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