Water table time is FUN!
Olives are just the right size for baby fingers!
6 hours of on-and-off searching for Evie's sippy cup... I need to get some sort of homing beacon on that thing! (thankfully I have an exact replica replacement just in case of emergencies like this!) finally found the sippy cup sitting on a toy plate inside the toy kitchen's refrigerator -- makes perfect sense, I don't know why I didn't look there in the first place, lol!
Eric is in love with the digital camera we got him for his birthday, this is one of the pix he has taken.
Eric says, "I'm Super Eric!" then he runs down the hall toward Evie yelling, "Super Eric to the rescue!" And when he gets to Evie he says, "What seems to be the trouble?" I'm laughing so hard i'm crying! I went and got him his batman cap and the mask I made him for Halloween that he refused to wear, he couldn't wait to put them on!
I bought this as a back-up Halloween costume last year, but it makes a great costume for the dress-up bin!
One more spinosaurus (which was a custom request and not in the coloring book, so I had to find one line and print it out and glue it into the book) and then there was no more coloring for a while... :(
Sliding together is twice the fun!
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