Fav quote of the week, “Evie, we don’t wash the walls with pillows, please go get your sponge.”
I’ve been trying to teach Eric to read for some time now, but I haven’t been pushing to hard because I’m concerned about his speech issues creating problems for him and I don’t want to discourage him. Yesterday he arranged some of the magnetic letters on the refrigerator and asked me what they said. I told him to sound them out (I reminded him how to do that) and we sounded out the E, the Y, and the O, and then said them all together as a ‘word.’ He arranged some other letters and we sounded those out as well. Then I realized he was putting all the red letters together and all the blue letters together and all the green letters together (I thought this was pretty clever). Then he ran off to play. Today I heard him tell Evie, “You have to sound it out Evie, like this ‘k, k, k!’” I am so excited to hear him say this! All along I have been thinking he isn’t listening to what I’ve been saying regarding letters coming together to form words, and that it’s almost time for him to learn to read, but he HAS been paying attention, and I am so glad the groundwork I have been laying this whole time is finally starting to amount to something!
Scott and I are talking about his trail run and Eric interrupts to say, “Daddy, you are making me feel angry.” And Scott says, “I am?” and Eric says, “Yes, you talk to much, you go blah blah blah blah!” Scott and I were both laughing so hard neither of us could respond!!!
Eric and I were practicing weaving/stitching/sewing (my dermatologist said he used to sew with his grandmother all the time when he was little, now he drives a porche to work everyday, lol). I got this styrofoam bowl and punched holes in it, then we wove the yarn thru each hole, then we decorated the bowl and turned it into a funny hat! Eric wasn't super enthused, maybe he can choose a different doctorate program besides dermatology, lol!
Two heads are better than one at dino puzzles!
How cute and random is this? lol! brother's hat (on backwards) while carrying a tree and hugging the cat on my bed. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, lol!
The water table is in the house because it is so hot outside. The low side is full of warm bubbles, the high side is full of ice cubes and green food coloring. In about an hour, the kitchen floor will be cleaner than it ever has been, lol!
This is a brachiosaurus created from mega-blocks, is this boy clever or what?
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