May 1: T-ball practice was canceled today and we were told all subsequent practices would be canceled as well, for a total of 7 practices canceled. I'm surprised more people didn't ask for a partial refund, I know I almost did, that's over $100 down the drain!
Mary 2: Eric had another T-ball game today at 6pm. They played against the Volcanoes. It was our turn to bring snack. We brought whole grain goldfish and 100% juice mixed berry juice boxes!
Many of the kids slide into home plate, its super cute. Eric does not do this despite my requests. Then I realized this sliding causes dirt stains that don't come out of his white pants, Scott explained the stains are a badge of pride, lol!
May 3: Evie announced that her blue 'feé' (blanket) was Eric's and that she no longer wanted it. She cast it aside (in Eric's room) and refuses to acknowledge it any longer. Scott folded it and put it up on a high shelf to test the theory of whether she is really done with this feé, and after several days, Scott is totally convinced, but I know better... I remember the day she confiscated that feé from Eric's room. Eric was never into blankets and I remember the look of glee on Evie's face when she discovered another blanket that was satin on one side and soft fuzzy on the other side. She immediately scooped up that blanket and started carrying it around with her other two blankets. At first I thought it was just a discovery, but very soon that blanket had a special place in her heart. After a few more days, she was asking where *her* blue feé was, and she's kept it by her side ever since.
May 4: Eric had another T-ball game today at 10:30am. Gramma Linda and Grampa Bill came to watch! They played against the Diamond Jaxx.
This weekend is international scrapbooking day/weekend. I created this layout for the speed scrap chat I hosted. The photo is from back in June, but it's my most favorite pic of Evie right now.
May 5: We went to the Sacramento Zoo today! And what a fun day it was! This was the kids' very first trip to the zoo! Eric's favorite was the giraffe, Evie's favorite was the orangutan (who also likes to put his blankie on his head and walk around, lol!), Scott's favorite was the gibbon (also a primate), and my favorite was the kangaroo (although, the ant-eater was pretty cool too). There were no elephants, but there was a brand new baby tiger cub -- super cute! The reptile house was pretty cool too. We also rode the train and the carousel. There was a picnic area with a small park inside the zoo and that was a lot of fun too, especially since I packed a picnic for us. I was really tempted by the big soft chewy pretzels, but I decided making them at home would be yummier, so I'm going to do that. On the way home, we stopped for ice cream and I was glad I didn't fill up on pretzel, lol!
These next two pages are meant to be side by side:
These next two pages are meant to be side by side:

May 6: We had to cancel another playdate with Jacob on account of rain. I made soft chewy pretzels! They were so good, I gave them out on teacher appreciation day to Eric's teachers. I made 2 chocolate chip, 2 cinnamon sugar, 1 cheese, and 3 butter & salt. my fav are the chocolate chip. I love the sweet and salty combo!
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