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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 20: 2013

Photos taken: 132

May 16: Eric had another T-ball game today at 6pm. They played against the Rockhounds. Evie and I are still both so sick we stayed home. This is the first of Eric's games that I have missed. :(

May 16: Eric told me his teacher said 'butt' today and then he crossed his arms and got on his stern voice and said, "i don't like that." and i said, "that's right, 'butt' isn't a very nice word, she should really say 'bottom' instead." he agreed wholeheartedly and then uncrossed his arms and went about his business, lol.

May 17: I read mommy magazines, mommy websites, mommy blogs and etc. one of the mommy blogs i read asked what nicknames you give your child and i started thinking about what i call my children.

Eric is: the boy, baby, brother, DeeDee, my most precious boy, and Eric William (when he is in trouble).
Evie is: my precious princess porkchop puddin' pie or 'Pud' for short, the girl, princess, evie bean, evie angel, hunni, sissy, sister, baby, Missy LaRue, and Evelyn Evangeline (when she is in trouble).
Li'l Mookie Tyrone: Mook, The Cat, Mookie, mookie-bear
Bailey Xtra Bowden: Bailey, Bay, The Dog, whoosha (this is the sound that the swirl in his fur would make, if it could make a sound).

May 18: Eric had another T-ball game today at 10:30am. They played against the Volcanoes.

May 19: Today is Eric's 5th birthday! He had a great day! He helped daddy mow the lawn, then they played legos together with Evie, then Eric and I had a photoshoot, then we bought some new toys, and then had a really nice family dinner together.

May 20: I eat cereal for breakfast almost every morning. This morning Eric looked at it and had a revelation: "oh, hey! cereal goes with milk!" I said, "yes, Eric." he said, "I want cereal with milk." i said, "what kind of cereal do you like?" he said, "um, the little circle ones?" and held is hand up in the air with his thumb and pinky almost touching to show me how big the circles are. i said "cheerios?" he said "yes." (see photo of them both eating cereal with milk, lol) the consensus was neither like cold soggy cereal.

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