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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 19: 2013

Photos taken: 144

May 8: Breakfast for dinner turned out great! I used a mini loaf pan instead of the cupcake pan, and I used leftover stuffing instead of just plain bread on the bottom. It was super yummy with enough leftover for breakfast in the morning!

May 9: Eric got pink eye at school :( he has to have drops put in his eyes three times a day until the drops are all gone. :( evie is jealous of eric's eye drops, so after I give him his medication, I have to get some artificial tear drops and give her eye drops too. When I'm done she says, "More eye drops, please please please???"

May 11: Scott ran the Gold Rush 100k (63miles) from Sutter's Mill to Sutter's Fort. The race director started pulling people out when two runners collapsed due to the 93 degrees heat. Scott is upset he didn't get to finish the race, but I'm very thankful he wasn't heli-vaced to a hospital like those other two people. We went to the Folsom Zoo with Gramma Linda & Grampa Bill while Scott was running. We had to miss a baseball game today, but it was well worth it!
May 12: My mother's day was spent in urgent care, Eric got pink eye from school yet again and needed another prescription. Evie and I both got sick as well, but didn't get pink eye. Somehow Scott is still healthy. On a more positive note, Scott and the kids washed my car, and I did our traditional mother's day handprint art with the kids!

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