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Evie Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers

Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 13: 2013

Photos taken: 57

March 27: Evie has 'little bunny foo-foo' stuck in her head, she keeps singing it over and over and then sings it very angrily and loud. Eric had T-ball practice today.

March 28: Eric's school is having open house on the same day & same time as Eric's first T-ball game. Thankfully, the game is called off at the last minute due to rain, so we make it to the end of open house.

March 30: Today at 10:30am was Eric first T-ball game! Scott had to miss the game, he had already committed (and paid) to running the 4MPH Challenge in Redding. Eric's team is the Timber Rattlers and they played the Diamond Jaxx.

March 31: I tried a new recipe this week for savory pancakes and decided to add bacon, and eggs topped with cheese! Yummy!

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