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Monday, November 17, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Things

What I love about Eric...

the way he opens his mouth to give kisses

his sweet baby breath on my neck when he falls asleep in my arms

the way the top of his head smells like brand new tiny baby

how he tells himself a story as he winds down for nap time

the little popping noises he makes right before bedtime

his gorgeous crystal blue eyes

how super soft his skin is

his giggle

his dimples

the antics with his tongue

those little blond hairs

that when he wakes up he has little tiny baby bed head

that he is such a good eater

those kissably chubby cheeks

that he lets me kiss him as much as I want

that he puts his arms around me now when I hug him

how he always seems to be able to get just his right sock off

how he always has a big smile for me

when he puts his hands on my face and looks me in the eyes and smiles

those super long eyelashes

how he patiently waits for me to put my hair up before I pick him up

how much he loves being outside

the way he looks at me using his carseat mirror while I am in the front seat of the car (so smart!)

the way he rubs his little eyes when he is tired

how active, curious, and observant he is

watching him learn and grow every day


And here are a few of Eric's favorite things:

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